In 2012 I started dialysis! University of Alabama (Birmingham) Medical Living Kidney Donor Center Screening Form Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) Medical Center Living Donor Intake Form
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Went to CareerBuilders for a second career.
But no that's not where my heart is.
I would like to teach.
Must get busy developing my second career.
Off the rest of the week.
Trying to get appointments for Irv.
His back has been bothering him since wreck in January.
I have been doing pretty good.
Had joint pains when the temp dropped below 32 degrees.
Did not expect this.
Lupus in remission.
Also have gout pain in my left thumb at the wrist. UGH!
The bottom of my feet burn really bad, but I keep on trucking.
Every night is the same, MON-FRI.
I sit there and watch the time, unless I occupy my time on the computer.
I get really sleepy once dialysis starts.
And become alert once it's over.
At the cross roads.
Keep the braids or twists.
Get my hair pressed and curled.
Really want the curls for my party on Jan 29th.
Going from unable to budget on being paid every two weeks to once a month. UGH!
This is going to be funny...... haahh aahhaha ahahaha hahahahaha
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Another Day in the land of the Living
My gout is acting up: left thumb and left ankle.
Last night's dialysis was rough. I was so sleep (not unusual) and my heart was hurting and could not verbally say how bad it hurt. I just kept saying my chest hurts! May be someThing i should check into. Hmmmmmmm!!!
Bought a carpet steamer. Now the works begin (or my husdands work begins).
Applied to retire on Nov 30, 2013. Thank you Jesus! I need a rest, a LONG rest. Its getting so hard to be engaged in work activities everyday.
Attend All Hands meeting on yesterday. Great meeting.
Attended Supervisory Leadership Meeting today. Real Great meeting.
Went to retirement briefing on yesterday. Changing retirement date from 11/31/13 to 01/31/14, for tax purposes. Wondered if i could work 30 days more, less on 90 days more. But that gives OPM time to work paperwork. Dont want to start out retirement with no monies for meds.
As soon as i get on the nxstage cycler, i am so tired. Will have more time to sleep in retirement. Smiles. :-).
I am looking forward to working in the ministry of Sis Rhone.
Just left doctors' office. NO longer have to take Cumadin. Have to take 325 mg of aspirin Ugh! Better than cumadin.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Feeling Better, Contemplating Future
I'm back at work, as of Sept. 3rd. It was so hard on my body, mind and soul. Ask myself: WHY AM I DOING THIS? I travel one hour to work, stay eight hours, and travel back home for another hour. I am totaly exhausted at the end of the day. Then, I go through four hours of setting up for dialysis, dialyzing, then tear down the machine. One great thing about dalyzing is the help and support of my husband. It is so Great that he is also an RN. THANK YOU JESUS! I know my journey would be worse without him. Also my mom is a nurse. Between the two of them, I am cared for with love.
I have decided that I will take the next early out. It is best for my health. Will have to take a severe cut in pay. Plus Irv is suffering severely with his knee and hip. Believe he has to have a hip replacement. Ugh! We have to getnhim working again. He hates not working. But, he has spent time homeschooling our grandkids. Really enjoys working with them. I would like to help also when I retire.
On my way to work. It's raining and I am still shaken since the wreck. I have driven several times since the wreck. Getting more comfortable. Exercising my faith! To God be the glory! So tired. Got through dialyzing late. And of course I watched tv some, played spider solitaire, Word, etc. haha ga ha ha.
THE GOV IS OPEN! All for now!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Well I think this is it. I feel like I can't work anymore. Sent the following letter to my docs.
DR. PHILLIPS, 256-551-6507
DR. SMELSER, 256-533-3171
DR. WASHBURN, 256-533-3379
DR. WRIGHT. 256-539-4099
I am going to apply for disability retirement.
I have been sick for the past 3 years.
It became worse after starting dialysis, I am extremely exhausted.
I try very hard to put a smile on my face every day as to not bring down the spirit of others around me (to a fault, even family and friends).
But now it has gotten too much to get up every day, drive an hour, work 8 hours, and then drive an hour home. I leave at 7 a.m. and return at 6 p.m. I am totally wiped out at the end of the day. Felt the same way when I lived in Huntsville and only drove 20 minutes to work. Sometimes I even over sleep and don't get to work until 0830 (suppose to be there at 0800) requiring me to work until 5p.m.
I am unable to concentrate at all. I stopped my PHD program because I just could not think and was too exhausted to complete my dissertation. When I came home I would go straight to bed. I tried for 2 years to just develop the methodology and support the need for my research, to prove my hypothesis. Paid $800+ for 4 dissertation courses and could not complete my dissertation. I made "A's" in all my courses, except one, received a "B" in one prior to taking my dissertation courses. I was at the last step of my degree and had to quit, finally accepting "another" Masters.
At work I have spent a week trying to complete fill in forms for performance standards for personnel in my branch. In the past I would have completed these in a couple of hours. I can't walk distances. I call in to meetings of my division, because I am unable to walk to the conference room. I am totally exhausted to focus and complete my assigned duties.
Everyday my left side (hand, ankle, and feet) swells. I see edema, and take off 1 or 2 KG. But that sometimes results in cramps of my legs and feet. The nurse told me the heart surgery may be the cause of the swelling on the left side. The bottoms of my feet hurt so bad, I hesitate to walk to the bathroom. Not sure if I can make. I always find a reason to stop by someone's cubicle with an extra chair to take a rest (going and coming from the bathroom). I skip lunch because I am too tired to eat or too tired to walk to the lunch room and warm my food. Had lots of food in the refrigerator at work, but too tired and hurting to eat.
The following are the requirements for disability retirement and believe I meet the criteria. Please review and complete the attached forms. I will pay any costs associated with completion of the forms. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter. I am available at your convenience for an appointment to discuss this matter.
Janice M Isbell
************************see info below*****************
To decide if your disability claim is allowable, OPM considers the documentary evidence you, your agency, and your physician provide. Your claim can be allowed only if the evidence establishes that you meet all of the following criteria:
1. A deficiency in service with respect to performance, conduct or attendance, or, in the absence of any actual service deficiency, a showing that your medical condition is incompatible with other useful service or retention in the position.
2. A medical condition, which is defined as a health impairment resulting from a disease or injury, including a psychiatric disease.
3. A relationship between the service deficiency and the medical condition such that the medical condition has caused the service deficiency.
4. The disability must be expected to last at least one year.
5. You became disabled while serving under the Federal Employees Retirement System.
6. The inability of your employing agency to make reasonable accommodation to your medical condition.
7. The absence of another available position, within the employing agency and commuting area, at the same grade or pay level and tenure, for which you are qualified for
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
AUG 28, 2013: 3 hospitals stays between June 1st and July 16th; bacteria in blood, heart valve replacement, and gall bladder replacement. BUT GOD SAW FIT TO LET MOW THE LAWN FRIDAY ( 3 hrs) AND SATURDAY (2 hrs). Only got 1/5 of front yard done. Hubby had to put me on and take me off riding lawn mower. Legs still weak Now the rest is left to hubby and son! GOING BACK TO WORK ON TUESDAY! GLORY! THANK YOU JESUS! BLESSED I AM! GOD IS SO GOOOOOOD TO ME! I LOVE HIM LIKE I DO BECAUSE HE IS WHAT HE IS - AMAZING!
SEPT 13, 2013: I know how good God is. I have missed 3 months of work, experienced 3 hospital stays, and finally back to work.
I am moving ahead. THANK U LORD! Feeling much better. Going to doc appts that I have missed during my time in the hospital.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
@jmitutor Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: JMI YAHOO <>
Date: June 26, 2013 12:12:36 PM CDT
Thank God, I'm home! Took a coumadin test on yesterday. The rate was high. So, I'm stopping the coumadin until I retest on Friday then will be told the amount to take nightly. Chest and top of stomach is sore. If I forget pain meds, then shoulder bones and ribs ache. Now I have to watch amount of Vitamin K. Just dig me hole!!! Hahaahahah. Ahahhaahahahh.
I now have a walker at home to do my laps to build up my strength. Going pretty Goooood! Can't look cute with a walker! At least when I get tired, I sit down. Smiles!
I am getting communion on Sunday afternoon. Deacon Alf, and Karlos gave me communion while in hospital. Now I have two others who will come on Sunday afternoons to give me communion. THANK YOU JESUS!
I am still having a time with talking. I become out of breath. But, I know the walking will relieve my shortness of breath. Plus the chest muscles strain when talking. But this too shall past.
All for now!
Janice Isbell
His Servant
@jmitutor Sent from my iPad
On Jun 12, 2013, at 6:33 AM, JMI YAHOO <> wrote:You can't make this stuff up.Now Docs saying I have to have open heart surgery Friday. Heart aorta valve is leaking too bad.Wow! Only took months to diagnose why I was having chest pains.Please continue your prayers. Can't talk on phone. Get toooooo tired.Do review text. 256-694-9451.@jmitutor Sent from my iPadOn Jun 10, 2013, at 4:29 AM, JMI YAHOO <> wrote:You can't make this stuff up. I'm back in Huntsville Hospital. Probably pneumonia. Whooda thunk it. Told them last week something was wrong. Pls continue prayers, really bless my spirit!JaniceHis Servant@jmitutor Sent from my iPadOn Jun 7, 2013, at 4:52 PM, JMI YAHOO <> wrote:I was in Huntsville Hospital from June 1-6. My catheter caused bacteria in my blood. I was so sick, went to Athens Hospital, doc in box, then decided to go Huntsville Hospital, over 4 week period. Am moving around much better. Only this can happen to me. Hahahaha. AhahahahAh. I am now infusing an antibiotic after dialysis for 10 days.Janice@jmitutor Sent from my iPad
Friday, April 12, 2013
Well, lots been going on in my life.
jmitutor |
JMIProfSkills |
JaniceMIsbell |
MathSciAcademy |
reclaimdropouts |
IsbellAcademy |
GadgetsJust4U |
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Usually in a better mood. But, Saturday, Suday, and Monday I was so tired and week. Hardly ate anything. Am losing weight which I do want to lose weight but not this way. It will come back faster than losing the weight. I stook myself this morning. Both arterial and venus had immediate flashback. But the pressures were going up so had to prop up the needles with gauze.

Sunday, February 17, 2013
UPDATE 02-17-13
He was so impressed to know that Lil Irv was able to stick me and get flash back for my dialysis treatment. Lil Irv has been a God send since the wreck. He has taken on the role for caring for his parents in addition to caring for his family! BLESS HIM LORD!
I am feeling not toooo well. My bursor is sore. My head is still sore! My ribs are hurting! My arm near the fistula is sore! Man I am in a bad way - huh? But this too shall past. I am so GLAD that I was able to go to church yesterday and read the WORD OF GOD! I was so happy to sing in the choir! And I was just so HAPPY to see all the people of the church and the PRIESTS! That's what I live for. RECONSIDERING DISABILITY REITREMENT! Not sure if want to go to work feeling so bad. Am I feeling bad because of the wreck or the dialysis this time.
To God be the glory!
Psalm 8 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
The Lord's Glory and Man's Dignity.
For the choir director; on the Gittith. A Psalm of David.
8 O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth,
Who have [a]displayed Your splendor above the heavens!
2 From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established [b]strength
Because of Your adversaries,
To make the enemy and the revengeful cease.
3 When I [c]consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have [d]ordained;
4 What is man that You [e]take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
5 Yet You have made him a little lower than [f]God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!
6 You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,
7 All sheep and oxen,
And also the [g]beasts of the field,
8 The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
9 O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
UPDATE 01-10-2013
I left work to go to Crestwood for a Fistulogram.
They were opening my veins so I could start dialysis.
The doctor perforated my artery and I bled a whole lot.
So after surgery on the 11th to repair the artery, I had surgery on the 12th for the surgeon to install the catheter for the dialysis, could not use my arm.
Started dialysis in hospital on the 12th.
On the 14th I started in-center dialysis on No. Pwky (Huntsville, AL).
It is located in front of Kmart and next to Fox 54 station.
I am really trying to get them to train me for home hemo-dialysis.
Well enough of what's been going on.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
At urologist ofc for kidney stones.
Walking so slow. I feel horrible. Tears. I am short of breath, light-headed and nausious. Dialysis since 12-12-12. But I feel horreible. I know things will get better. I keep setting dates to go back to work only to be disappointed. But the Lord will make a way.
Peace in the storm!