Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

My thoughts for today!

Hello my Lupus Warriors. have read posts of some of you in Lupus Flares. I assure you THINGS DO GET BETTER. I was diagnosed in 1975. I experienced the weight gain, falls, rash, everything possible that Lupus can do and more. BUT THINGS DID GET BETTER. My Lupus went into inactive in July 2003. I was on prednisone 28+ years. There were many good days that outweighed my bad days - getting married in 1981, having my son in 1984, attending his sports events, etc. Although I hurt, I hurt doing the things I love. I recommend you do what you can and that's it. Of course I pushed myself on many occasions and yes I paid for it. BUT I ENJOYED MYSELF. At one point in my life I would go to 8 a.m. mass and THEN sleep all day to recouperate so I could go to work the following week. I can truly say that through it all I was a SURVIVOR. Of course there were things I could have down without, as a result of Lupus: lupus kidney disease, hysterectomy, bunionectomy, knee repair of cartilege, colon cancer, open heart surgery (aorta valve replacement), dialysis, etc. But I do keep my focus on the good things around me: my husband, son, daughter in love, 6 grand-children, my job, groups I belong to, church, family and friends, THIS IS WHAT KEEPS ME GOING. I retired from my job after 28 years because the start of dialysis took a toll on me. But now that I am doing home hemo (mon-fri @ night), I am working part time at the local community college as a math tutor, and I tutor on the weekends. I LOVE TUTORING. Find something you love and do it as your body lets you. Sometimes I do cancel sessions, because my body says NO. I am in tune with my body and know when to stop, know when to argue with docs about my health, know when to just sleep and not feel guilty. ahahahahahahha Yes you have to deal with ignorant (only because they do not understand) people, but do not let them pull you into guilt and depression. Do what you have to doin spite of them. KEEP MAY COPIES OF LUPUS LITERATURE. PASS IT OUT TO EVERYONE YOU MEET, ESPECIALLY TO YOIUR FAMILY WHEN THEY SAY STUPID STUFF. AHAHAHAHAHA Gotta laugh at them and keep going. Well I'm off my high horse. HAVEA LOVELY DAY LUPUS WARRIORS.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


ATTENTION TEACHERS - You make a difference in the lives of your students!  Whether you intend to or not, you make a difference.  It can be positive or negative!
I grew up in a lower class family.  That lower class family was two single-parent homes.  I being an African-American girl had all the statistics against me when trying to become a success.  But because of caring, intuitive, and compassionate teachers I was pushed beyond my capabilities (intellectually, academically, spiritually, etc.).  My love of Math almost died during my 5th grade year - Texas' (South Park School District) first step of integrating schools.  My elementary was closed and I was bused across town to another school - my one year of integrated education.  But my 6th grade Math teacher, Mr. James, saw my potential and encouraged me.  I was in the 6D track.  He moved me to the 6B classes for Math.  They were the best Math students at Booker T. Washington Elementary.  My junior high and high school Math teachers (Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Simmons) got me involved in the interscholastic math competitions.  I love Math.  These competitions enhanced my love for Math.  While in high school we had to write a paper on what we wanted to be when we grew up, i.e. graduate and on our own.  I had my topic.  I wanted to be a Math teach all my life.  My dad use to introduce us by what we wanted to be.  I was Janice the future Math teacher.  Well my eyes were opened by a teacher, Mrs. Davenport.  She asked me to research being an engineer.  I had no idea what an engineer was or what they did.  The only engineers I was aware of were those that operated a train. ahahahahah  But being obedient I researched being an engineer.  During those days you respected your teachers, or else your mom would come to the school and embarrass you.  I was shocked to find out about engineers and that there were so many different kinds of engineers.  My research lead me to want to be a chemical engineer.  In comes another teacher, Mrs. Adair - Texas' (Beaumont Independent School District) second attempt at integration - integrate the teachers instead of the children.  She helped me fill out my application to college.  My counselor, Ms. Joseph help me fill out the PSAT (11th grade) and SAT I (12th grade) applications.  I was set to attempt a run at college.  The I found some information, through my counselors, about Washington University.  I am so thankful for my teachers.  I am so happy that I had a chance to experience the Washington University-St. Louis (WASHU) life.  I met so many people from so many countries.  I still have 6 friends that are deeply close to my heart in my life.  They really help me through college socially and spiritually.  I was diagnosed with Lupus my freshman year, and they really supported me, until this day.  I met my husband at WASHU.  He has been a rock and a blessing to me THROUGH IT ALL.
Where would I have been if those teachers had not taken the time to help out a latch-key kid.  Did not know I was a latch key kid until I attended college.  WOW HUH?  
ATTENTION TEACHERS - You make a difference in the lives of young people!  Whether you intend to or not, you make a difference.  It can be positive or negative.