I am feeling much better since going through the flu, pruritis (itching due to end stage kidney failure), forgetting to get my EPO shot, etc.
I have gone 1 month without the EPO shot and yes I am more tired than ever.
But overall I feel fine.
I have not been as focused as I should on losing 15 pounds.
But I will kick things into gear. Realize I have to force myself.
This weekend I forced myself to put up curtains in my bedroom. I was pain-staking but I DID IT! 
That one act is great to me because I have been lying around the house because I am too tired to do anything.
I visited a friend (along my family) for Thanksgiving. I stayed until 8 p.m.
This is a great feat because at the end of the day, I was sleepy but not exhausted. 
About a month ago I would have been so exhausted that my legs hurt so bad. Can't describe the feeling.
Would like to walk. I love walking. But the bursors in my hip hurt to bad. Plus, my calf muscles cramp.
Must hit the gym but I have procrastinated and not gotten up from my desk except to use the bathroom, get water/lunch/snack forom vending room, and rarely I vist coworkers to see how they are doing. Otherwise I am at my desk tooooo tired to move.
Must do better. Was told I would feel better after starting dialysis. But actually I am not looking forward to dialysis.
Have asked for a kidney donation on Facebook from anyone with O blood type. Still praying. Family members are getting checked.
The following webistes provided more information.
What Causes Pruritis in Renal Failure? http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5731185_causes-pruritis-renal-failure_.html
Top 7 Tips to Relieve Itching Skin In Kidney Disease Fast http://www.kidneycoach.com/367/kidneys-itching-top-7-tips-to-relieve-itching-skin-in-kidney-disease-fast/
Kidney Disease Itching http://www.wellsphere.com/wellpage/kidney-disease-itching
Renal itch. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10733630
There are many more sites with information about this itching sensation. I was pretty unbreable last week. It interrupted my sleep.
I hypothesize I ate too many biscuits (too much phospherus)?????
I was eating a biscuit and OJ in the mornings on the way to work.
Sometimes (a lot) I forget to eat a TUMS (phospherus blocker) with meals. Defintely working on this. Must ge tthis diet thing down. 
Well all for now. 10:47 a.m.
Keep on Keeping On!
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