I thank God first of all for peace of mind. He has taken care of this old body carefully. I am able to accomplish a lot of things I could not do while I was sick. I can't believe sinusitis and bronchitis can tackle me like that. I was unable to eat, sleep, or walk regularly. But God sat fit to bring me back one more time. I am so appreciative of all the prayers I received. I could feel the Holy Spirit embracing me throughout it all. I just let him minister to my soul. When people take the time to pray for a prayer request they have no idea how much God uses them tremendously. I know for myself I had to learn to reach out to others for prayers to touch and agree on God's healing or blessings. So thanks to all the Twitter and Facebook friends who pray when I have a prayer request. All feelings of aloneness are gone in that time of need.
I also thank God for making me strong enough to return to tutoring. Tutoring is my passion. I really like helping a child succeed academically. It builds their confidence and propels them to higher heights. I just feel used by God every time I am in the tutoring mode. Thank you, Jesus, for getting me back to work at Calhoun Community College. I miss my students. I am so happy to report more students are coming to the Math Lab for help. We have to have these kids paying into social security for our retirements. ahahahahahahaahah. God is so good - thank you!