Today was crazy! Last night I Thought my router was not working! Asked son to buy and install. He did and it worked! Today it wasn't! Had so much trouble with new one. Call Charter Spectrum. Modem is outdated! Ugh! Tech coming in the morning! So if I didn't call them guess they'd leave me with the old modem with intermittent service!!!!!! Was told that once they launched the new software my modem would not update!!!! They should a list of outdated modems to replace! A schedule should be looking forward to replace them. Bet they are only focusing on new service only!
I use Zoom to tutor. My internet was intermittent yesterday. Ended session 6 minutes early! Used phone for tutoring today! But it worked out great!
5th day of being unable to use my iPad that records my dialysis cycler numbers via internet! Means I'm back to handwriting numbers every 28 minutes.. I tend to fall asleep but hubby makes sure I record the numbers!
57,000 people per day are being diagnosed with Coronavirus COVID-19! Those that live suffer dearly! Asking prayers for those infected! Families are shaken to the core when a person is diagnosed with Coronavirus - sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. Please pray for the family members also!
Today is my son's birthday, 36. Yesterday was the 39th anniversary of me and my husband.
My health has been rocky this week. I have been getting out of the house, last FRIDAY thru WEDNESDAY of this week. But Wednesday my body broke down. Usually I'm out about 4 hours per day. But, Wednesday I was out 8 hours, 4 a.m. and 4 p.m. I was in so much distress that I could not dialyze. We are told to not to dialyze when our bodies are in stress. Dialysis in itself stresses our bodies. We are always cold when we dialyze. But, tonight I was actually shaking and trembling because my body was so cold!
I'm so PROUD of the people protesting. I can't walk because of health issues. But, I can EDUCATE on the plight of BLACKS fighting for rights for over 400 years on Social Media! The death of George Floyd has ignited the remembrance of being mistreated for so long. THEN, other countries joined in! THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF A START OF PROGRESSIVE CHANGE during my life.
My BOOBIES #1, #4 & #5 are spending the Summer with us! They go home weekly but come back, not all at the same time. They miss their parents on different days.
Waiting on a visit from Beaumont, TX of my sister, JEANETTE MITCHELL LAMB, and my nephew, RODNEY DALE LAMB, JR. BUT, now there is a storm in the Gulf of Nexico! UGH. UGH. UGH. UGH!
Today starts my Summer Enrichment Program. Using Zoom for the tutoring sessions.
Well I guess that's all folks!
I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAMILY MEMBERS ahead of everybody else!
39th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!! JUNE 6th!!!!!!!
When I was in college (Washington University, St. Louis, MO)"&" , I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH SYSTEMIC "LUPUS" ERYTHEMATOSUS.
I NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT WITHOUT IRV, THE SENSATIONAL SIX PLUS ONE! (Jan, Phyll, Clair, Donna, Chris, Janice, & Leslie!!). The plus one is Leslie! She's a Zeta like me!), and The WASHU Omega Epsilon Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.!! Their were many more. But, these saw me at my worst with Lupus Pains, etc. The really looked out for me. Irv took me to every event I attended, along with other girls in ABS (Association of Black Students). We always had some of my friends with us!!!! Not sure how he tolerated all of US!
During the Summers, I would go dancing EVERY FRIDA/SATURDAY nights, my CPHS and Hebert High graduates would have so much fun!!!!!
Now married, Irv has taken care of me. He gradusted with an Education & Biology Degree. Worked 10+ years, then studies and became a GPN. He passed the test and became an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse - God was preparing him to care for me in his retirement.). We moved to Huntsville AL with my job. He worked as a LPN, obtained his RN (Registered Nurse) license. Later he taught at Virginia College (Many Subjects). In 2012, I started dialysis. He became my personal nurse!! We both retired in 2014!!!! He has been my FULL TIME CARETAKER!!
We have so much going on. Family. Repairing Rental house. My sister is her from Texas. My BP is tooooo low. Working on it. My grand-daughter who was in the hospital in Birmingham from OCT 2019 to May 2020 is home, with lots of tubes in her body. We all got upset when my sister left her boyfriend and he kept calling all of us!!! But next week she be in an apartment next week in a different city. My sister her has a cancerous tumor, but because of Coronavirus she has to wait, UNBELIEVABLE! It is called elective surgery - CANCER? My husband is really sick. Waiting on docs for appointments. Coronavirus has messed a lot of things up. My sister is stuck her because it's flooding in Texas??? Lord have mercy. Well, enuf said. Don't want to complain too much!
Happy Friday Everyone! This week we've had 2 grand daughters, 16 & 11. Lord pray for us. I"ve to touch up both of them. Things are much better. Keeping them for the summer, hopefully so I can get them straight. My grand child #8 was in the hospital from Oct to May. My son and his wife is over whelmed. So I'm stepping in. He doesn't want me too. Pray he sees the benefit. He is still working throughout out all of this, now at home. He stayed in hospital for the last 6 weeks of her hospital stay. She has Omenn Syndrome with tubes coming out of her body. She cant eat through her mouth. She's fed through a tube. She has to go to the hospita clinic, 1 and 1/2 hours away in Birmgham, Al, 2 times each week for checkups. Or, if she spikes a fever. This has happened 3 times since coming home. Next, I'm getting 2 of of the boys, 15 and 12. All 4 of them argue TOO much! But, i'm about to jack them up. Peace will return to their house!
THOUGHTS FOR TODAY!!!!! 03-02-2020!
Wow! Today I was reading comments in the group Dialysis Discussion Uncensored. Found some answers to questions I had.
(1) Lots of people are on dialysis because LUPUS DESTROYED THEIR KIDNEYS - LIKE ME, NOT ALONE!!!!!!
(2) one lady said she feels like she's dying from the inside out - LIKE ME, NOT ALONE: low bp and doctors not sure of cause. My heart was scanned, etc when I was in the hospital last week: DOC SAYS MY HEART IS GREAT, MY REPLACED AORTA VALVE OPERATING GREAT! But, why do I feel bad. They let me out of the hospital WITH NO ANSWERS! I had this same problems years ago, even then they had no answers. But bp came back up. THANK YOU JESUS! DEPENDING ON HIM TO DO IT AGAIN!!!
(3) Several on dialysis say people tell them they look good. Guess people can't believe the person is SICK. I received the same comments went Lupus and now with Dialysis. First of all we feel walking it out with HOPE, INSTEAD OF HOW WE FEEL, MOTIVATES & ENCOURAGES US TO RUN THIS RACE.
(4) Several commented on having DRY & ITCHY EYES: LIKE ME, NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! The Med I need for my eyes costs $400!!!!!! I'm retired, receive much smaller income. UGH!!!!
(5) Some are shocked by the copays we have to pay: ME TOO!!!!! I started a go fund me fundraiser to help with medical costs associated with dialysis costs, medical costs, and saving some for transplant and follow-up costs.
(6) Some had low blood counts: LIKE ME, NOT ALONE! The clinics gives up Miscera shots to bring up numbers. But we are told to each more beef. Don't like eating anymore since on dialysis. When I do eat, I LIKE CHICKEN!!!!! UGH!!!!!
NUF SAID!!!!!!
After hearing a man died in his car after dialysis, I responded.....
I'm so extremely blessed to have a husband who is an RN. He notices everything about me: before, during, and after dialysis. During the day he also will say something if he notices changes in my behavior, Speech, etc.
Dialysis is very hard on the body! After dialysis, my husband waits before going back to the living room. I dialyze in our bedroom and spend most of my day there watch tv, etc. He watches tv in the living room. Different tastes, LOL!
One time I felt myself going out - delirious! I called him. He call 911 after seeing me. Well the EMT's were so lackadaisical he said, that's okay, I'll drive her to the hospital. He got me dressed and put me in the car. The EMT's persisted to get his signature of a call. He signed the paperwork and took me to the hospital. THANK GOD HE WAS ALERT. I was able to feel better and come home!
Losing people in USA daily due to lack of healthcare,
police killings,
lack of access to clean water,
flakes of lead paint,
lack of housing,
people in administrations at the city, county, state, and federal levels not giving a damn about the poor - only in building new communities for those well off,
no support for the education of the poor,
MINORITIES/WOMEN NOT VOTING - in spite of the fact people died too give US this precious gift,
schools shaming kids because their parents can't or hadn't paid their lunch fees,
trafficking of people,
lack of compassion for immigrants - although each of us are immigrants, EXCEPT FOR US DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES,
no support for Native Americans - further erosions of their land in violation of formal treaties, keeping them in poverty on the reservations and if they leave the reservations they receive no help,
closing of mental institutions in the the 1970's because the order of nuns were dying off and heaven forbid cities taking up the cause to help heal their residents,
Those advocating on behalf the causes/ministries above are getting fewer and fewer thus straining their physical/mental strength.
My parents taught us to give back, no matter how little we had. Most in the generations after us (1950/1960's babies) have no desire to connect with and/or have compassion for those in the situations noted above.
Myself and others who moved out are stretched financially, spiritually, physically, mentally doing God's work.
Churches must send people out of the walls - specifically young adults- to address these needs!
Our old guard is dying off!
Janice Mitchell Isbell @LupusWarrior_75 (C)2019
In 1975 I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
I have had many ups and downs with this disease.
Lupus affects the connective tissue in the body and sometimes organs.
In my case, I was diagnosed with Lupus Kidney Disease in 1989.
In 2001 I had a full hysterectomy and appendectomy.
In 2007 I had right foot bunion and knee surgery.
In 2009 I had a colon resection for colon cancer.
In 2010 I had a fistula installed in my left upper arm in preparation for dialysis.
In 2011 I had a hernia repaired in my lower left abdomen.
In 2012 I started Home Hemodialysis dialysis.
For more information, go to
In 2013 I had my aorta heart valve replaced. I also had my gall bladder removed that year.
I share all of this to give information of what I have gone through as a Lupus patient.
For more information on LUPUS:
I retired in 2014 because of health issues. I walk with a smile on my face because of the love of my Lord! Living this long is remarkable. Thank you Jesus.
I'm on the Transplant List at University of Alabama - Birmingham & Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN.
University of Alabama (Birmingham) Medical Living Kidney Donor Center Screening Form…/…/kidney-transplant/donor-form
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) Medical Center Living Donor Intake Form
Through all this I have been able to pay for my medical expenses. Now that I am retired, the costs are rising and becoming prohibitive. I am currently taking 12 medications. The more the kidneys fail, you need another pill for something else. Like other Lupus and Dialysis patients I have tried natural remedies, and different diets. I am allergic to 15 medications and chocolate. Go figure.
One medication that I am allergic to but must take is ASPIRIN - SEVERE EAR RINGING because of Aorta Heart Valve Replacement!
Also, now that I have been dialyzing for 6 years it is also time for me to raise money for life during and after transplant.
*Medical costs include:
Insurance deductibles
Insurance co-pays
Pre-transplant evaluation and testing
Fees for surgeons, physicians, radiologist, anesthesiologist and lab tests
Fees for the recovery of the organ from the donor
Follow-up care and testing
Additional hospital stays for complications
Anti-rejection and other drugs, which can easily exceed $2,500 per month
*Non-medical costs could include:
Food, lodging and long distance phone calls for you and your family
Transportation, to and from your transplant center, before and after your transplant
Plane travel to get to your transplant hospital quickly
Lost wages if your employer does not pay for the time you or a family member spends away from work
Lodging close to the center before and after surgery.
For more information on projected costs:
Cost of a kidney transplant.…/2015/cost-of-a-kidney-transplant
I did not start this go fund me account until I was on list 5 years. I'm now receiving exams in case a kidney becomes available and I want to be ready for life during and after the transplant.
These funds would tremendously help with my medical/medicine expenses.
I know some may be unable to donate. I am asking for your help with scheduling and setting up fundraisers. You may also purchased CVS gift cards and mail to 17811 SEVEN MILE POST RD, ATHENS AL 35611. Any help you can give would be most appreciated.
Thanks to all who have donated to my fundraisers. Your donations help me afford medical costs above BLUE CROSS & MEDICARE associated with dialysis, and after the Kidney Transplant. MORE IS NEEDED, PLEASE! You can donate in one of the following ways!
GO FUND ME: Fundraiser by Janice Mitchell Isbell :
Janice's Transplant Med Expns Fund
Redstone Federal Credit Union PopMoney.
Cash App $JaniceIsbell
*****If you would like to be tested as a live donor, if not for me, maybe for someone else.*****
My blood type is O+. But you can still donate via a Kidney Transplant Chain.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN.
University of Alabama - Birmingham.…/living-donor-navigator-program
Please get
Tested to
Kidney to
To find a test center in your State,…/livingdonors/where-do-start
Well, all is well at the home of the Isbells. Dyalzing now. Cleaning my blood! Will feel better when the gook is removed from my blood. I have had more energy since my prescription has been corrected. Thank God forbgiving the doctors WISDOM! The Holy Spirit has comforted me on this journey. My Boobies give me so much JOY! I had. 1 son and he and his wife gave me 8 Boobies. Their kind Spirits lift my Spirit. I speak of them often because each has a personality unique to them. I JUST LOVE WATCHING GROW INTO THEIR OWN! All for now - PEACE, JOY AND LOVE!
Yesterday was a great day! Had my Boobie #7 all day to keep me happ and active! Sinuses bad. Losing weight to the leve of when I started dialysis. Did not realize how much fluid I retain. But taking off slowly. Definitely not as fast as they did i the hospital! Boobies and parents a going camping today. I'm tutoring today. Back in saddle again!
This past Thursday after was like any other afternoon. We finished dialyzing at 311 p.m. Irv always stay in the room to ensure the bleeding stopped. So he left to go sit in family room and watch tv. Approximately 415 I started feeling really bad!!! My chest was hurting and my left arm hurt also!!!!!
Called Irv back into the room. I could NOT talk straight. HE Called the EMTs. They came and left. It seems Irv would not let them look at me probably because of their lackadaisical attitude . Signed the paper and told them they could go. Irv took me to ATHENS LIMESTONE HOSPITAL. Was there until ~10pm. Told me that maybe I'm dry. But, Janice always knows when she's DRY!!!!! I was unable to talk or think straight until after 6 p.m. My thinking slowed so much, which comes along with Lupus and Dialysis. But this episode was a first. I have eaten little Fri - Sunday. Did eat a complete meal today.
I'm desperately needing a kidney. But, I THANK GOD FOR LIFE TO SEE MY SON MARRIED AND GIVEN THE GIFT OF 8 CHILDREN! His wife is a great mother. My grandkids have lots of smiles and effort in school. They are truly a blessing, like my son. I was told I would have no kids. But, GOD! Now you know why I love them so much! Getting a kidney would let me see more of my family! THANK YOU JESUS!
In 2012 I started dialysis! University of Alabama (Birmingham) Medical Living Kidney Donor Center Screening Form Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) Medical Center Living Donor Intake Form
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Haven't posted in a while!
This is catchup!
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