Went to ST LOUIS this past weekend, along with Irv and Mom.
7 hours to get there and 7 hours back.
I must have taken toooooo much water off Friday night.
I cramped all day Saturday at the School of Healing!
Particularly in my hip bursors! GLORY!
Really enjoyed the word delivered!
Discussed hindrances to our healing.
Discussed hoe to teach others to go higher in prayer for healing.
I was so encouraged to be in the ministry and answer the call of God to Pastor.
Not led to start a church. Just share the Love of God and his Redemption.
All of us hurt so bad the next day!
My neck, spinal cord, lower back, legs, feet all HURT SO BAD!
Mom was in bed all day.
I felt much better after visiting the Chiropractor!
Fell good also because I drove myself.
Will get another appoint for next week if still hurting at end of week.
Worried I might not meet the weight requirement for a TRANSPLANT.
GOOing to wellness center now.
Lord give me strength to persevere!
My upper arms (fat) cramps when I do the arms exercises.
But I will take my time and do them.
I must firm up my arms!
Thighs are ridiculous.
I was on prednisone for a week for Bronchitis and gained more than 10'pounds! Ugh!
Bottoms of my feet hurt so bad!
Can't find no relief!
My sinus keep draining lots of GOOP! Just crazy!
Still coughing up lots of phelm.
Might need another dose of Musinex.
Didn't take it with me this weekend. Ugh!
Still having problems with bowels.
All this medication probably the culprit.
But I'm on it! Taking softener.
Taking a Calculus 1 class at local community college.
Trying to review the subjects for better tutoring.
Will take 2 and 3 also.
Then on to higher Math Classes!
Want to deliver the best service to my tutees!
Just finished dialyzing @ 9:12 p.m.
Only took 1 kilo off.
Scared to do 2 again. The cramps are really bad. If I don't drink enough water, I cramp really bad! GO FIGURE! Thank you Lord for allowing me to urinate! I do not take this for granite. I know my water intake is not restricted because of my ability to urinate.
Had the right knee repaired before. A piece of cartilage was loose!
But I believe it's loose again.
Will invite the new drug that is injected in your knee for more cushion.
I'm walking with bone on bone because the Lupus has eaten all the cartilage.
All for now.
Watching Sony Open!