Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Another Day

We had a rough time dialyzing on Mon., 03-10-2014.  First I went to emergency room.
Was told I have Brochitis and Pleurisy.  Was given antibiotic and the dreaded Prednisone.  
Was feeling bad all over.  My whole chest hurt so bad.  Every time I breath deeply my chest cavity hurt really bad.  Then we came home and started dialysis.  The SAK expired mid dialysis.  Irv had to hang 4 bags, switch the chicken foot line, etc,  we managed.  But we also had to draw blood.  A very daunting night. Maid not finish until 2 a.m.   I could not sleep.  Fell asleep at 4 a.m. And had to be up at 6 a.m. In order to go to an appointment at 8 a.m. In HUNTSVILLE.   Was dehydrated.  But the tech got the blood.   Was so tired when returned home. 
Then, today I got a call from Huntsville Hospital telling me I have two non-calcified nodules on the upper lobes of my lung. May get a result of my bronchitis.  What?  The doc had not said anything to me!  She said her job is to go over charts and that she saw this on X-ray but was not noted in chart.  Asked my permission to forward to my docs on record.  Yes! Duh!   I'll wait for doctor's office to call me then I will call a lung doc myself.   Will try to get doc here in Athens vs going to my doc in Huntsville.  Probably nothing to worry about.   MERCY JESUS!
Got a lot to do.  Help with grands.  Tutor.  Take next test.  Ugh!  I will survive.

All for now.  Dialyzing late tonight also!

His Servant