Take time to think.....Christmas is celebrated in honor of a loving God who chose to send his son to a world swamped in sin. Jesus came t take all that sin on himself and save a people who without would just die because of their wick ways. Then he dies upon a cross forgiving all of our sins. But he had to go back home and prepare a place for us. He sent the HOLY SPIRIT to comfort us in our times of need. Is that not a great sacrifice. We have to live us to his expectations of us as a people. All are invited! No matter what you are wearing, no matter how deep you are in sin, no matter whether you think you have gone too far - no such think exist, COME AS YOU ARE!!! I am ever thankful that no matter how low I get, the Holy Spirit will comfort me and bring me back up! I am ever thankful how deep I get in a bad situation the HOLY SPIRIT will comfort me and bring me back to my senses to come on out. I ever thankful no matter how improbable my finances get, the HOLY SPIRIT gives me the strength to endure and last. I am ever grateful for the friends, known and unknown, that the Lord surrounds me with to give me strength! I am ever grateful for my family and their enduring love and strength! GLORY! ALLELULIA!